Talk about some elements that are not used properly in traffic hubs signage projects

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traffic hubs signage project

traffic hubs signage projectWhat elements of planning are harmful and need special attention? When planning traffic hubs signage project, is it necessary to combine the current location of the sign for the mobile crowd to watch or for the static crowd to watch, if the crowd is dynamic, then it is necessary to take into account the speed of movement of the crowd.

The faster the movement of the crowd, the shape of the traffic hubs signage project, as well as the text and image of the content should be expanded accordingly, so that the moving crowd will expand properly. In this way, the content of the traffic hubs signage project can be identified at the right time during the movement.

In practice, for example, the crowd in the elevator is static, so traffic hubs signage projects will be relatively small, and many traffic hubs signage projects will be concentrated in this small space. However, the subway or railway station's guide plate is often a large metal sign plate with several simple text content to indicate the direction, so that even the moving crowd will have a very simple to see the sign plate and be able to move according to the sign guide.

If the sign assumes that the route and service facilities in public places are in use, then the shape of the sign needs to be implemented in strict accordance with the national standards or the standards issued by the city government. If it is commercial or individual use, The shape planning of traffic hubs signage project needs to meet the needs of customers and needs to be approved by customers, and then the final shape of traffic hubs signage project is recognized.

traffic hubs signage project
