Currently, T2DM is a severe disease worldwide and isseriously threatening human health and well-being. Clinicalresearch and animal studies have suggested that rationalintake of probiotics could treat and alleviate diabetes. Thisstudy aimed to investigate the hypoglycemic activity of theLactobacillus rhamnosus LRa05, and provide key insightsfor L.rhamnosus LRa05 to alleviate hyperglycemia via thegut microbiotaliver axis.
Study Design
LRa05 attenuated insulinresistance, hepatic oxidative stress,and inflammation, reshaped gutmicrobiota, resulting in increasedbeneficial bacteria and decreasedpotential pathogenic bacteria. Thus,LRa05 may be used as a functionalfood supplement for modulating thedisorder glucose metabolism andgut microbiota in T2DM.
Main Results
① Fasting blood glucose, glucose tolerance