What are the benefits of step?

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Step - translated from English means "step". This is a set of exercises consisting of movements that imitate walking up the stairs.

What are the benefits of step?

Step - translated from English means "step". This is a set of exercises consisting of movements that imitate walking up the stairs. Exercises are performed to music using a step platform. As a rule, the training lasts 45-60 minutes. It will be quite difficult for an unprepared person at first, but over time the movements are honed, and performing the exercises causes automatism. Step classes include a huge number of advantages, let's analyze how step has a positive effect on health and physical fitness.

Improves your health

Step, like other cardio exercises, has a great effect on the general condition of the cardiovascular system. Due to the increase in heart rate, the body is enriched with oxygen and nutrients, the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells increases, and tissue nutrition improves. With regular step exercises, the volume of the heart muscle and maximum cardiac output increase. The pulse is normalized during rest and physical activity.
Step has a beneficial effect on joints. Flexion and extension exercises promote the release of synovial fluid, due to which the joints become more mobile. In comparison with other sports, step has a gentle mode of loading on joints. After training (step), nutrients actively enter the tissues, so it recovers faster.
During the exercise, the respiratory system also actively participates in the work, due to which the pulmonary blood supply improves.
The body's metabolism accelerates, and the hormone calcitonin, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium, increases.
Doing exercises helps improve coordination.
Improves physical fitness
Step aerobics helps to strengthen muscles, reduce subcutaneous fat and tighten the skin. Step especially helps to correct the figure in the lower part of the body and in the abdominal area.
With a decrease in body volume, cellulite disappears. Step is highly effective: in one workout, you can lose from 400 to 500 kcal. With a balanced diet and a properly planned workout during step classes, fat begins to burn after 15 minutes of training.
Regular exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight, thereby protecting against problems associated with excess weight: diabetes, metabolic disorders, strokes, and so on.
