Heavy-Duty Flange Machining at a Power Plant

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If you have similar tasks, please contact us at info@mtportable.com for detailed project information. Custom on-site machining equipment is our expertise.

On-site Machining Story 20 in 2024

Creating customized machining solutions tailored to client projects is a specialty of the MT Portable Machine technical team. In April of this year, we received an on-site machining task at a power plant, involving the machining of eight 3-meter diameter flange surfaces, including chamfering with a machining allowance of 5mm.

Upon arriving at the power plant, we measured the flange dimensions and assessed the working environment, engaging in technical discussions with their engineering team. Given that each flange required 48 hours of machining, our technical team decided to develop a heavy-duty flange facing machine specifically for this project. After two months of production and testing, we successfully completed all flange machining by June, ensuring a flatness within 0.05mm.

If you have similar tasks, please contact us atinfo@mtportable.comfor detailed project information. Custom on-site machining equipment is our expertise.
